These days it’s possible to adjust the color of the sink and tub to match the rest of the interiors in any color that you may choose. It’s possible to refinish the acrylic claw foot bathtub. The varied options of colors and textures make possible the executing of any decorating project. The most surprising part is the savings you make. Another encouraging feature is that it doesn’t require the services of a contractor to remodel or even a plumber for handling plumbing work. And, here is the most interesting part- in a majority of the cases the whole job can be over in just one day! At the end of it all, your dull, chipped, pitted, porous, and an almost impossible to clean tub that you might not like using, begins to look in its original shine and brightness. This treatment is expected to add another ten or fifteen years to the life of the tub. The refinishing experts claim that ninety percent of the people won’t be able to make if it’s a refinished tub and or sink.
Cast iron claw foot tubs need a different treatment. The outer surface of these tubs gets uneven and rough over long use. This is sent for sandblasting the outer surface that makes it smooth and even by removing old paint and rust. Then, these are treated to fill the gaps and sanded to get a smooth or glassy surface as per your requirements. You have the choice of giving its outer surface a color to suit your taste while the interior may be white or almond colored. Some of the specialists can provide stone coatings also. And, don’t forget to include claw foot bathtub faucet. Many of the bathtub re-finishers sell faucets too.

The claw feet may also be refinished. It can be finished to go with the refinished claw foot tub or you could have a contrast. With the option to choose from nickel, chrome, bronze and even gold you stand a good chance to completely change the looks of your tub.
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