Perhaps you can’t ignore the fact that at the end of a hard day, nothing is more soothing and refreshing than a prolonged bath in a bathtub where you can unwind yourself. Once you have a bathroom that allows you to achieve that level of comfort, you will be motivated to use it more frequently. But how does one get to have that kind of a bathtub. A claw-foot jetted tub is one way to get that. This not only brings in a changed decor to your bathroom but its style is encouraging to getting a relaxed body, mind and spirit.

A claw-foot jetted tub brings back the nostalgic memories of the 1920s. But, you need not have a theme of the 20’s to refashion your bathroom with this kind of bathtub. For, you can have a very convenient mix of the modern and antiquated looks to create a design that you can claim to be exclusively yours. The structure of this tub is perfectly designed to fit small bathrooms without your having to compromise with your style due constraints of space. Over and above its design, you’ll appreciate the relaxation brought around by the air jets that form an essential feature of this bathtub.
While mentioning the pleasant experience provided by jets, it will not be fair to omit the products of the American Bath Factory. It has on offer quite a few options of claw foot jetted tubs. The Champagne Duke model is provided with 91 massage jets! It further offers the flexibility of having either a left or a right pump. These massage jets are housed on the floor of the tub and release warm air bubbles to bring relief to and sooth all key muscle groups.
The Celine Champagne Acrylic Double Ended model is another claw-foot jetted tub option that you will find enjoyable. It has a wall mounted faucet designed in the style of an English telephone that will look appealing to any bathroom. Though priced for only $ 3265, this tub has been given a high gloss shine not only on the interior but on the exterior side also. You need not worry about faucet drillings. The maximum possible water depth is restricted to fourteen inches. The soothing effect provided by water touching your body is just heavenly.
There are some great looking acrylic tubs out there and, if you are putting your tub on a 2nd floor, they are also a practical option given the weight of the cast iron tubs. I had never considered a jetted clawfoot tub before but this sounds wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI am desperately trying to find someone who might know anything about an antique clawfoot tub we have that is hand made out of we think is tin (it has soldered joints) and has a wooden rolled rim (feels like oak) for the edge. Can't seem to find any info anywhere that such a tub was ever made. But we have one. The tin appears to be heavy on the copper component. Any ideas or source for an expert in the tubs.