
The Advantages Of Slipper Clawfoot Bathtub

At the end of a long tiring day, one likes to have a special place in home that offers relaxation for sometime. Though everyone has his or her way and place for getting relaxed, there is none denying the fact that most of us would prefer to be in a bathtub for getting that much desired relaxation. However, most have an old acrylic bathtub that fails to provide the kind of long relaxation we all long for. This limitation is prompting many people to switch over to a claw-foot bathtub that offers more room and other facilities too.

Of the many types of available claw-foot bathtubs, the Slipper Clawfoot bathtub is among the most popular ones. That’s because of the design of the bathtub that allows you to have perfect bathing positions that facilitate relaxation and help you rest peacefully.

slipper clawfoot tub

Like any other classic claw-foot tub, it has the rolled edge and characteristically plenty of room that enables you to stretch out better. The exceptional feature of the Slipper Claw-foot is that it is raised on one end only while the other end is tilted. Now, that offers a perfect way of providing rest to your back.

Another similar bathtub is the double Slipper Clawfoot bathtub. As becomes evident from its name, this tub has raised edge on its either side. Thus you have a choice of direction that you may like to face. It means that you can enjoy the company of your better half while continuing with your book reading or the two could just have a nice relaxed time together. There is one more difference between these two claw-foot bathtubs. The Slipper claw-foot bathtub generally has fixtures located at the foot of the tub, but in the case of the double Slipper, water normally enters the tub from over the side, thus leaving both the sides free for relaxation.

While deciding the purchase of a slipper claw-foot, you may also consider some other features. These may include the materials used for its construction and the overall finish of the product. The convention so far had been to use cast iron for such tubs, but some of the manufacturers offer these in acrylic too. Both the materials solve the purpose and are equally good, unless of course you are looking for a tub with antiquated looks. The style and finish of the fixtures goes a long way in giving it the desired looks. You need to make sure that these accessories go well with the existing arrangement of your bathroom, unless you plan to have a complete changeover of the bathroom.

There may be many reasons to prompt one to go for a Slipper bathtub, but the fact remains that the most compelling reason is the kind of relaxation that it provides. It would be worthwhile to go around and have a look at different models available and prepared to be surprised by the diversity of this accessory.