
Claw Foot Tub Faucet - How To Buy It

In case you are considering a clawfoot faucet for your newly acquired jetted clawfoot tub or even if replacing the present one, here are a few points you would do well to bear in mind. In case of a new bathtub holes will have to be drilled in your tub and most of the manufactures will offer to do it for you. The three most often used clawfoot faucets are described here.

• Freestanding claw foot faucets: these are positioned outside the tub on a separate structure.
• Tub wall mounted: This type is fixed on the inside wall of the tub.
• Deck/rim mounted faucets: These are fixed on the top lip or rim of the tub.

If you are planning to replace the present clawfoot faucet, its design and type will determine the type of a new faucet. Generally, you should opt for a new faucet of the same type as the present one; otherwise you might be required to take care of the left out unused holes. However, if you happen to have a freestanding one, you stand a chance of replacing it with either of the other two types, without being left with any ugly holes. However, you’ll be required to drill holes in your tub to accommodate a new faucet.

If case of having a jetted clawfoot tub, there is another consideration for placement of the jet. Its positioning will depend on the location of the jets of your present jetted clawfoot tub. Having a jetted clawfoot tub should not hold you back from buying a faucet. You still get quite a few options.

Clawfoot faucets come with many features. You get a clawfoot faucet with a separate spray that facilitates dispensing of water into the tub with an additional spray hose attached along with. It makes convenient the rinsing of your body or hair just before leaving the tub.

You may opt for an additional shower. This allows you to make use of your tub, be it a jetted clawfoot tub, for a shower. So, you have the luxury of a soaking tub and the ease of a shower. A shower enclosure, usually a wrap around shower curtain, is required for this. For this purpose you’ll need to have a shower enclosure, generally in the form of a shower curtain.

A very well accepted claw foot faucet is a classic version. It’s simply designed to dispense water into your tub.

You get a wide choice as far as finish of the faucet matters. You may choose either of these: brass, polished chrome, Antique bronze and copper or nickel. But check with the manufacturer before hand to know if the design you like would be available in the finish of your choice.